I was called upon for cross examination. I walked gracefully towards the bench and bowed before taking my stand at the bar and reciting the common oath. ‘So help me God’ echoed more in my head than it should have. I was called to represent the cloud of witnesses because of my well known reputation of defending Christ against critics who claim to know the word but are misled hence misleading others. Earlier on this charming and eloquent lawyer had boldly stood up and said,” I would like to submit to this court that God is sovereign and omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. He needs not a mortal being to make himself known. These mere humans calling themselves witnesses are misusing very precious resources that could have been used to build the society…”
I started by whispering a prayer and explained, ” I’m standing here as an eye witness to the greatness of being empowered to witness. Let’s clarify this “witnessing”, Dr. Luke wrote this in Acts1:8 – But ye shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria and the earth. This is an assignment from God Himself and not a personal mission. Now how does one perform this noble task? Paul in Romans 10:14 writes: How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach without being sent?. That’s it, simply share the gospel with your lifestyle not just your words. During any rally people wear t-shirts, banners and caps carrying the message they are campaigning for.
Similarly in witnessing we share pamphlets and videos about salvation; but most importantly how your actions should speak louder than your words because Jesus transforms us (Romans 12:3) and makes us a new creation without the guilt and penalty of sin. I am born again into the righteousness of Christ through faith, I’m no longer a slave to the pleasure of this world. I was living in fear and greed before, as a young person I wanted to be rich very desperately by whatever means hence falling prey to the “quick easy” way out. But I met Christ through a group of evangelists and I accepted Him into my heart and since then I can assure you that only Him can satisfy. The impact of salvation in me is why I witness to you all about Him.
I have tasted of Him and He is good. Finally my Lord, I would like to add that the Lord does not want anyone to perish but all to come to repentance, 2Peter3:9.The ironical parable of the lost sheep and coin emphasizes the idea that God values us so much that He gave His only son to die for our sins, can you imagine? Jesus came in human form to do that which the Father sent him to do, likewise the Almighty uses people to reach out to people with the good news.
So go ye and be a witness of Christ.
Malkia Salome
Malkia Salome Inyange is a student of TheatreArts and Film Technology at Kenyatta University.She’s resilient in the literacy work of God and has served in various capacities in the Christian Union. She foresees a future where young people are radical for Jesus and anchored to the Word.