Today, let’s turn our attention to the third pillar that comes after “Being Saved” and “Set Apart.” Imagine these pillars as building blocks that make us strong. Now, we’re at the third block: “Sent.” This block is like the top of our structure, where we get to put everything we’ve learned into action. In this part, we’ll explore why being “Sent” is so important. It’s like taking what we’ve learned and using it to help others. So, come along as we discover how being “Sent” is all about having a purpose, doing what we’re supposed to, and feeling empowered to make a difference.
Acts 1:1-11
One of the major commands that Jesus gave us, is found in Mathew 28:18-20, that we should go and make disciples. This is not left for pastors nor evangelists alone, it is a mandate for every believer to make disciples.
Walking the Talk: Empowered by the Spirit
We are going to break down our text and see what it says and how we can pick up some nuggets to our daily walk. Verses 1-2, shows that Jesus both did and teach, walking the talk and this was powered by the Holy Spirit. As we go out there to make disciples, our actions should go hand in hand with what we teach/preach. It continues to say that the chosen, Apostles, were commanded. The moment we say Yes to Jesus we are a chosen people, 1 Pet 2:9.
The Impact of Christ’s Presence
In verses 3-6, Jesus appearing to them was very significant, since the entire of Christianity is based on Christ dying and resurrecting, Him showing himself would impact the witness, now that they would have evidence of what they are preaching. The command to wait was to test their obedience. A soldier never acts on their own, they follow commands, and we as soldiers of Christ have a mandate to obey the commands of our Master for this kingdom to advance.
Empowered by the Spirit for Witnessing
In verses 7-8, we see Christ bringing them back to their rightful purpose, they had engaged in civilian matters as we are told in 2 Tim 2:3-5, soldiers don’t engage in civilian matters. That our kingdom is not a physical one, that’s why we need the power of the Holy Spirit to perform this duty, witnessing. A witness is one who is legally qualified to testify in a case or give evidence before a judicial tribunal or similar inquiry. As believers we are legally qualified since He has already qualified us, chosen, therefore our evidence is powered by the Holy Spirit, He reveals the hidden things and teaches us all Truth, that is what we present as we witness.
A Call to All Nations: Love as the Foundation
Lastly it’s important to note that they were to start their witness, in Jerusalem, in all Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth. We need to understand that the Jews and Gentiles were not friends but the command was even to them this gospel is to be preached. Love plays a critical role is this, as we see the discourse between Jesus and the Samaritan woman. We should go out with Love, even to the so called people that don’t deserve it, we all didn’t deserve it, but were shown love and so as we go we should have love and be driven by love.
Key Principles for Our Commission
In our mission to “Go Ye,” remember your chosen status, cherish obedience, and rely on the Holy Spirit’s empowerment. Love, the binding force, propels our witness. Cloak yourself with love, for it defines our mission.
As we journey forth, we heed the call to make disciples, to bring the light of Christ to every corner. Let’s live out the Great Commission with hearts aflame, driven by love, empowered by the Spirit, and rooted in the eternal purpose bestowed upon us.

Eric Mshephard
Eric Mshephard is Son in the Kingdom. He joined prf in 2010 and has been resilient in the service. He is an actor , sound engineer and photographer.
Connect with him @shephphotography on IG